
Thursday Oct 14, 2021
”But I read it on the internet!” Navigating the internet guitar gear world
Thursday Oct 14, 2021
Thursday Oct 14, 2021
Tone-Cast 82 is a free form episode where we go back and forth on how to navigate the beast that is the internet when searching for info about gear or guitar topics. It can be an endless rabbit hole of a journey when you just want to know about some basic info.
Where can you go for reliable info? Who can you trust? We talk about the good, bad and ugly of the online gear world.
Try our pickup chooser for some help to find your next set of pickups: https://www.porterpickups.com/home/pickup-chooser/

Thursday Oct 07, 2021
An Inside Look at Developing Our Guitar Pickups
Thursday Oct 07, 2021
Thursday Oct 07, 2021
in Tonecast 81 we talk through the process of developing a Porter Pickup models. What goes into the process from idea to releasing to market? What do we look for in tone and concept? What pickups have not made the cut or have been discontinued and why?
We also talk about a recent batch of videos including our HSS deluxe loaded pickguard.
Episode Links
Porter Youtube Page: https://www.youtube.com/porterpickups
Custom Shop: https://www.porterpickups.com/custom-shop/
Let us help you find your next set of pickups with the Pickup Chooser: https://www.porterpickups.com/home/pickup-chooser/

Tuesday Sep 21, 2021
Trey Johnson of Tulsa Band & Guitars
Tuesday Sep 21, 2021
Tuesday Sep 21, 2021
episode 80 is here! We chat with Trey Johnson, the owner of Tulsa Band and Guitars in Tulsa, OK.
We talk about him going from employee to owner to surviving these last few years as an independent music store. We also talk about creating music and even his time as a college mascot, which brings Brian to remember when his car got trashed in Tulsa in the early 2000's
Find out more about Tulsa Band Here: https://www.tulsaband.com
Our new Gold Foils are out! https://www.porterpickups.com/products/pickups/humbucker-pickups/goldfoils/
Try our Pickup Chooser form and let us help you find your next set of pickups: https://www.porterpickups.com/home/pickup-chooser/

Thursday Sep 09, 2021
The NAMM Show Moves to Summer, Gold Foils and & Pricing Changes
Thursday Sep 09, 2021
Thursday Sep 09, 2021
Episode 79 is Jam packed with topics.
We cover the news of the week about the NAMM show moving to next summer. Is that a good thing, or a sign of challenging times in the industry? Will Porter be attending the next show?
We also run through some design concepts and tones of our new Gold Foils which are releasing soon!
We end the show with a discussion on price increases and the reasons we implemented a small one recently.
Fill out the pickup chooser form here: https://www.porterpickups.com/home/pickup-chooser/

Thursday Sep 02, 2021
Our Favorite Guitars To Mod
Thursday Sep 02, 2021
Thursday Sep 02, 2021
In episode 78, Marco rejoins the show and we catch everyone up on his new roles at Porter. We also talk through some exciting news about the Porter Custom shop.
In our main topic, we talk through our favorite guitars to mod. we each share three guitars we enjoy overhauling and what we love about them.
See more about the custom shop here: https://www.porterpickups.com/custom-shop/
Fill out our pickups chooser form here: https://www.porterpickups.com/home/pickup-chooser/

Tuesday Aug 31, 2021
Mike Delaney of Delaney Guitars
Tuesday Aug 31, 2021
Tuesday Aug 31, 2021
In episode 77 Mike from Delaney Guitars joins us for a wide ranging episode of fun guitar topics. We cover everything from what he's been doing to survive running a guitar business for the last year to tone wood resonance, what makes a good guitar and what woods smell like feet and cat pee when you sand them
Check out Delaney Guitars here: https://www.delaneyguitars.com
Need a new set of pickups? Let us help you decide: https://www.porterpickups.com/home/pickup-chooser/

Friday Aug 06, 2021
Nick Scout of Scout Guitars
Friday Aug 06, 2021
Friday Aug 06, 2021
Nick Scout from Scout Guitars in Orlando Florida joins the tone cast to talk about his business.
We cover everything from his time as guitar tech for the Blue Man Group, to how he got started in the industry at a banjo factory. We also get his thoughts on what makes a good guitar, the craziest repair he's ever done and where he sees the music industry going from here.
Find more about scout guitars here: http://www.scoutguitars.com/
Try our pickup chooser form to find your next set: https://www.porterpickups.com/home/pickup-chooser/

Thursday Jul 29, 2021
Can The Guitar Industry Keep This Up?
Thursday Jul 29, 2021
Thursday Jul 29, 2021
In episode 75 we discuss some concerning trends in the guitar industry. After a busy year of guitar sales where are we headed next?
Are the wheels coming off? What are we as a business facing and the industry as a whole dealing with currently?
Are delays, supplier price increases and cost of living going to hamper doing business going forward?
Brian Porter shares a few concerning things as we navigate the seas of business for Porter.
Need suggestion for your next set of pickups? try out pickup chooser form: https://www.porterpickups.com/home/pickup-chooser/

Wednesday Jun 09, 2021
Endorse me Bro! Navigating endorsement and influencer requests
Wednesday Jun 09, 2021
Wednesday Jun 09, 2021
In episode 74, we talk though a topic that we have to deal with weekly. What do we do about endorsements and influencer requests? It's a subject we have different thoughts and good and bad experiences with. We attempt to walk through it from the manufacturers perspective while acknowledging we have not fully landed on a position.
Have a suggestion or know of a company that handles it really well? email us your thoughts at info@porterpickups.com to be featured on a future show.
Need a personalized suggestion for your next set of pickups? Fill out our pickup chooser form: https://www.porterpickups.com/pickupchooser/

Wednesday May 19, 2021
A Porter Shop Update!
Wednesday May 19, 2021
Wednesday May 19, 2021
in episode 73, Brian Porter discusses some changes with Porter this year and how we've survived the last year with a crazy music industry with some rapid fire updates.
We also cover some "Less is more" topics from pausing Porter Guitars to getting rid of or thinning down some social media to remain focused on the tasks we have to accomplish as a business.
We reference a recent video where we install for WRH humbuckers in a 335 Style guitar. Check that out here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MxrVEkAwRRQ