
Tuesday Aug 04, 2020
Guitarist Barry Graul from MercyMe: Being in a band during Covid-19
Tuesday Aug 04, 2020
Tuesday Aug 04, 2020
In Episode 62 we're joined by Barry Graul, guitarists in the band MercyMe. He talks about dealing with the pandemic as a band, his favorite gear and why riding bikes is good for you. We also cover how the bands songwriting style has changed with technology and how they are finishing up and album in these strange times.
MercyMe Website: http://mercyme.org
Pickup Chooser: https://www.porterpickups.com/pickupchooser/

Tuesday Jul 28, 2020
#61: Mike Bassett - Crazy Guitar Center repair jobs and his roles at Porter
Tuesday Jul 28, 2020
Tuesday Jul 28, 2020
In episode 61, we talk with Porter employee Mike Bassett about his time working at Guitar Center, as well as his love for hollow body guitars. We also cover things like what pedals he plays, nightmare repairs and more.
Try our pickup chooser here: https://www.porterpickups.com/pickupchooser/

Thursday Jul 16, 2020
#60: Hank Donovan from Rattlesnake Cable Company - Keeping a Positive Outlook
Thursday Jul 16, 2020
Thursday Jul 16, 2020
In episode 60, we have great conversation with Hank Donovan from Rattlesnake cable company. We cover what a wild ride 2020 has been so far from the excitement of going to the winter NAMM show, to dealing with the virus situation as small business owners. Hank shares why keeping a positive outlook and continuing to improve his business are the keys to survival and momentum.
Check them out at: https://www.rattlesnakecables.com/
Try out pickup chooser form here: https://www.porterpickups.com/pickupchooser/

Friday Jul 10, 2020
Friday Jul 10, 2020
In episode 59, we check in with Nashville guitarist Eddie Heinzelman and cover a wide range of topics from diversifying yourself as a full time artist to his new venture with Guitar Repairs and his signature Keely Pedal.
Find more about Eddie here: https://www.eddieheinzelman.com
Check out our pickup chooser form: https://www.porterpickups.com/pickupchooser/

Tuesday Jun 30, 2020
#58: Rob Ridgway - Running a Independent Music Store in Uncertain Times
Tuesday Jun 30, 2020
Tuesday Jun 30, 2020
In episode 58, we sit down with Rob Ridgway from 12th fret music in Boise, ID. We cover everything from working through limitations with the Covid 19 Pandemic to his advice to others wanting to start a music store and what it takes to survive.
Find out more about them at: https://12thfretmusic.com
try our pickup chooser form here: https://www.porterpickups.com/pickupchooser/

Thursday May 07, 2020
Porter Tone-Cast #57: Lessons in the Tough Seasons
Thursday May 07, 2020
Thursday May 07, 2020
In Tone-Cast #57 Brian Porter talks about how a series of tough events in 2017 shaped who we are today. We talk through some big plans we had that didn't work the way we wanted them to and what we learned by going through one of the toughest stretches in Porter Pickups history.

Monday Apr 27, 2020
Porter Tone-Cast #56: Highlighting our 5 Unique Pickup Sets for Strats
Monday Apr 27, 2020
Monday Apr 27, 2020
In episode 56, we talk about the Stratocaster replacement pickup lineup we make. We feature some design details and why we created each one. We also cover some style suggestions and more. We also talk about why we got rid of the Modern Strat set in 2020.
Find our more about our lineup for replacement strat pickups here:https://www.porterpickups.com/products/pickups/strat-pickups/

Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
Porter Tone-Cast #55: Navigating The Virus Situation as a Small Business
Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
In episode #55, we talk about the Corona Virus and it's impact on the music industry and our business. We talk about some ways we're working through it and facing the challenges head on.
We also talk about a potential new intro song for the podcast. Let us know what you think of it.

Friday Apr 17, 2020
Porter Tone-Cast #54: PorterTron AlNiCo Pickup Feature and Sound Clips
Friday Apr 17, 2020
Friday Apr 17, 2020
In episode 54, we highlight the new PorterTron AlNiCo pickups which were released at the 2020 NAMM show. We share some sound clips in one of our Les Bois guitar models.
Find out more about them at these links:
PorterTron AlNiCo (Filtertron Sized): https://www.porterpickups.com/products/pickups/portertron-filter/
PorterTron AlNiCo (Humbucker Sized): https://www.porterpickups.com/products/pickups/humbucker-pickups/portertron/
Learn more about the bigsby model Les Bois Here: https://porterguitars.com

Thursday Apr 16, 2020
Porter Tone-Cast #53: Is My Guitar a Candidate for New Pickups?
Thursday Apr 16, 2020
Thursday Apr 16, 2020
Tone-cast 53 covers a rapid fire topic: Is My Guitar a Candidate for New Pickups? We talk through a few things to check for when thinking of upgrading your guitar. Short but sweet.
Be sure to check out our pickup chooser form here: https://www.porterpickups.com/home/pickup-chooser/
We'll help you find a set of pickups to match your instrument.